What's Enmeshment? And why it is costing you in business

Today, Laura shares that when your nervous system is off, you have these entanglements with other people or things. I can help you bring you back to more of a flow state, more energetic resonance for the things that you desire in your life.

In This Episode, Laura Talks About:

  • What is enmeshment
  • Boundaries between you and your individuality in relation to your business
  • Misconceptions about what healing is
  • Difficulty in creating consistent results in your business when you are entangled and enmeshed. 
  • Identifying needs and how I can meet those needs myself

Where to find Laura



Laura is an Energy Healer and Intuitive Business Mentor who is passionate about empowering women to tap into their individuality and intuition to live a life that is wildly expansive and purposeful. After experiencing burnout and feeling disconnected from who she truly was, she undertook a soul-searching journey. This journey allowed her to tap into intuitive gifts and regain her power, passion & purpose in life. Laura has made it her mission to empower women to do the same.

Podcast Production and Management by www.sarasimplified.co